Marlene von Dürckheim Abstract Artist
Painting Meditation 6: Helios descending into the Wine Dark Sea

Dear Friends,
I am posting this recent painting, Meditation 6: Helios descending into the Wine Dark Sea for you to enjoy and to tell you about it.
Sunset by the seaside. We sit and watch the sun go down over the sea. Everything quietens down. The light starts fading, only the swish of the wind, the splash of the waves on the beach and a lonely bird cry is heard. Only the colours of the clouded sky in the west become more intense, changing from yellow to bright orange and deep red as the sun disappears as a red ball on the horizon. The sky fades into its last blue, then into grey and finally darkens as night falls.
We are at peace now, transported by the sunset, preparing for a quiet, enjoyable time before we turn in for the night.
P.S. Helios is an ancient Greek personification of the sun, and sometimes the sea can turn into a wine dark colour, especially in Greece.
P.P.S. Do yourself the favour, go back to the painting, read what I wrote about it again and see how the painting and the story correlate.
Have fun and keep well.
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